Comprehensive ADHD Testing

ADHD is a complex diagnosis that requires the administration of multiple assessments in order to identify all the pieces of the puzzle. Symptoms of ADHD, like inattention, impulsivity, and difficulty starting tasks, can also be present in other conditions, including but not limited to, depression, anxiety, and trauma. My comprehensive ADHD testing seeks to discover if your symptoms are related to ADHD or may be masquerading as something else. 

Whatever the diagnosis, The Traveling Psychologist’s therapy programs can provide you with the tools and accountability to challenge your roadblocks and unlock your true potential. 

Putting together the unique puzzle that is YOU

What Is Included In ADHD Testing?

Clinical Interview

During our first meeting, I will gather background information about your experiences from childhood leading up to adulthood. Questions will cover your presenting concerns and histories related to family, medical, academics, and employment. We will also discuss any previous counseling or testing you’ve had. At the end of the interview, we will discuss what the assessment process will look like and schedule an appointment for your test administration.

Psychologist, Dr. Freda, pointing to a testing stimulus book placed in front of a male client. Both are sitting across the table from each other on padded benches. Showing setup for testing in mobile office.

Test Administration

Our second meeting will be to complete your test administration, which typically lasts several hours. This can be a stressful and overwhelming process for some. You will be asked to remove the mask you’ve worked so hard to develop and expose your true struggles. I promise to protect that space for you with validation and nonjudgment. By being open and honest about the challenges you face, we will be able to determine the most accurate treatment plan for symptom relief.

Your evaluation may include the following types of assessments:

Feedback Session

Your assessment concludes with a feedback session that reviews all of the results of your evaluation. You will receive a comprehensive report that includes all data collected with clinical interpretations, any diagnoses you qualify for, and several pages of treatment recommendations, including practical tools, strategies, and resources. During this meeting we will also discuss a plan for the next steps of your journey.

I Was Diagnosed ADHD, Now What?

Congratulations! You are one step closer to reclaiming control, finding clarity, and unlocking your full potential. 

Gaining a greater understanding of yourself opens exciting opportunities for treatment tailored specifically to your unique needs. I offer several options for effective ADHD symptom management, including one-on-one ADHD therapy, group therapy, support and accountability groups, online group discussions, and an ADHD resources page.

If you are ready to take action toward managing your ADHD, contact me today to schedule your free consultation.

Happy overjoyed woman with smartphone getting unbelievable good news from message on mobile phone while working at laptop from home, making yes winner hand gesture, celebrating job achieve, success

I Was NOT Diagnosed ADHD, Now What?

Rest assured, support is available, whether or not you have a diagnosis.

Not receiving a diagnosis doesn’t make your challenges any less real. Through a neuroaffirming approach, you can still benefit from professional support tailored to your specific needs.

Contact me today to schedule your free consultation and learn how we can work together to achieve your goals and enhance your well-being.